Sunday, January 8, 2012

Never too late to start a New Year's resolution right?

One of my resolutions this year has been to limit myself to one status update on Facebook per day.  Eight days in, and it is clear to me that I have more to say than that resolution allows.

My most wonderful, closest, bestest friend in the whole wide world - real and web - is Angela.  Her New Year's resolution was to be faithful to her blog, and to post every day.  I am not sure I am ready to make that level of commitment to a blog, but I certainly want to cheer her on, and I certainly would like an outlet for all this excess crap I want to say, and keep track of.  Let's see how this goes!


  1. Oh, yay! YAY,YAY,YAY!!! *happydance* Love your blog name, love that you started it, love that you talked about ME, love you!
