Yeah, when I hit that clearance section at Ben Franklin, I hit it HARD.
Easter Bunny Carcass Yarn! |
I have started the dead bunny scarf tonight... we'll see how long it takes. The ruffle scarf took 3 episodes of Twin Peaks, and 5 episodes of Downton Abbey.
There is this super awesome scarf with that ribbon yarn that I did last week, but it is unfinished, and will probably remain that way... FOREVER. That one I simply have to chalk up as a learning experience. I got the scarf to the last row, but had not yet learned how to finish a scarf and pull it off the loom without it unraveling. (I have since learned this trick with the ruffle scarf) So, as I went to finish it, it unraveled... a lot. But because the yarn is so... PSYCHO... it is now sitting hopelessly tangled, with the last few inches in varying states of unravelmentation. It was infuriating, because really, it is an awesome looking scarf. So, when I went back after deciding to commit to knitting as a hobby for a while, I sprang for some more of the ribbon yarn.
Rage Knitting is not pretty. |
I have nothing useful to add, except that I laughed my ass off at your captions and I really wish that we lived near one another so that we could knit together...